Services & Prices

What is Energy Healing?


It is the practice of tapping into the universal energy field for information and then making shifts in the                                          individual’s personal energy field in order to help someone heal of mental, emotional, or physical distress.                                                                    Because all three of the key aspects of humanity: mind, body, and spirit, are inextricably linked, when one part gets sick,                                 the other two sides of that triangle also become unbalanced.

Energy healing heals the whole person, acting through the personal energy field to get at problems
under the surface of the body and the psyche.

The word “Reiki” comes from Japanese, combining “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy, non-physical vitality that gives life to all living things), the word and practice was received by a Japanese Scholar and monk name Dr Mikao Usui. 
Reiki is known as practice of “Healing of the hands". Reiki is universal, omnipresent life force energy – present everywhere at the same time the spiritual consciousness, the omniscient wisdom from God- the life force that gives life to all living things.

  Reiki is neither positive or negative, Divine in nature, it allows us to come back in harmony with flow of Energy of life in all things.       It works by helping the vital life force energy that flows through the body,  known by different names, qi or chi in traditional           Chinese medicine, prana in Hindu philosophy, or simply "energy" in Western practices.                                                                                                        Reiki goes through body's energy centers, chakras, where each is associated to a particular physical body organ/organ system                      and brings physical, body,  mind, and Spirit Energetic body back to harmony by stimulating a person's own natural healing                        abilities and bringing stuck energy back into flow. It is a non-invasive practice that complements and supports:

How Can Energy Healing Help You?

-Helps relieve pain 

-Activates the body’s natural healing resources.

-Aids in recovery from surgery.

-Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy
after surgery and chemotherapy

- Removes energy blockages and adjusts the energy flow, bringing the body into balance and harmony

- Stimulates the immune system

- Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins

- Reduces stress and anxiety

- Encourages restful sleep

- Boosts your energy
- Increases vitality and postpones the aging process

As well as help with

  • not just Yourself, but your Relationships and relation with others

  • Goal setting

  • Past and unresolved issues

  • Places and Environments

  • Work

  • Contracts, Finances

  • Animals, Plants, Crystals

  • Food and drink

  • For Protection

  • House, Travel, Cars 

  • Business, Manifestation

There have been a lot of studies done that show the effectiveness of Energy Healing.

Metatron Healing $222 (60 Min)

Metatron’s energy is strong and highly focused, like a laser beam. He’s very motivational, and will encourage you to overcome procrastination and to take bold steps forward. He can help you understand things like other people’s motivations for action, and why different situations occur.

Metatron helps you to release that which no longer positively serves you and can help to cut cords and attachments to items/objects and/or people.

Metatron helps to quell and ease struggles with these Earth energies, which can manifest in behaviors such as: anger, inattentiveness, agitation, acting out and rebelling, depression, substance abuse, and other destructive and negative behaviors.

Archangel Metatron comes to those during spiritual awakening and transformation, and assists during times of great inner-change. Metatron can help you to move beyond perceived limitations, and assists with developing your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Metatron Helps With:
-Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
-Chakra Clearing
- Protection
- Motivation and focus
- Stopping Procrastination
- Taking action
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Inner Child, Children issues
- Record keeping and organization-clearing and Healing Past-lives, Karmic Ties in Akashic
- Overcome addiction by making the right choices
 -Cut cords and attachments
- Release what is no longer serving you
-Realigning with your Truth
 -Spiritual evolution
-Light body activation

Incorporating other complementary alternative therapies such as Reiki if Called to by your Guides.


Energy Sessions & Spirit Guided Sessions $125(60 min)

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki

  • Sound Healing

  • Crystal and Gem Therapy

  • Bach and other Flower Essences

  • Spiritual & Health Coaching

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access. As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.


*Tools and Allies used vary per session

Energy Sessions & Spirit Guided Sessions $165   (90 min.)

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki

  • Sound Healing

  • Crystal and Gem Therapy

  • Bach and other Flower Essences

  • Spiritual & Health Coaching

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access. As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.


*Tools and Allies used vary per session

Shamanic Healing Sessions

-Shamanic Healing -
Shamans are trained how to transform energy from one state into a more positive one. Shamanic Healing addresses the spiritual aspect of illness. Shamans believe that ailments first appear in the energetic realms. These imbalances restrict our life force, and if not addressed can eventually manifest as symptoms or disease in our bodies.
Once the energetic balance has been restored, healing can occur in this reality.
Shamans call upon the essential elemental forces of nature, rocks, animals and helping spirits, to help in exorcise harmful intrusions and balance energies through the vibration of drums, bells, rattles, movement, chanting and other methods.

Session includes:

-tools from nature and elements for healing

-sound instruments

-assistance from Spirit Animals


*calendar for appointments will be sent once purchased confirmed, please input best email to reach out

*in person and virtual sessions available

  • *save on 3+ session packages , email

Energy Extraction/Removal

The shaman removes misplaced energy. The negative emotions you may feel, or the negative emotions that another can send at you are seen by the shaman to be stuck or stored in various parts of your body. The shaman will re-empower you by removing the energy that does not belong within your body. This is called a shamanic extraction, other healing modalities in addition to shamanism practice this in various forms. This energy is not bad, it is just misplaced. Because it does not belong in your body, it is seen as causing illness that then shows itself in a physical way through pain, sickness or emotional difficulties.

$250 (60 min)

*See Below for both Extraction & Retrieval sessions package, email*

Soul Retrieval

In Shamanism it’s believed that parts of the soul are free to leave the body. It may do so when dreaming or to protect itself from potentially damaging emotional or physical situations. This is the soul’s “defense mechanism” and is normal and natural. However, sometimes in traumatic situations, the soul piece may not return to the body on its own.

 Soul loss occurs mainly through traumatic experiences. One may feel incomplete, fragmented, or disassociated from life and relationships with other people through this loss.  Soul Recovery is a modern term for an ancient shamanic practice that helps recover parts of one’s essence (life force-soul being) that have become blocked or disconnected (usually due to a physical or emotional trauma).

The Shaman “journeys” in altered state to contact Spirit on behalf of the person needing healing, retrieves the lost “soul pieces”, soul essence and receive guidance for them.

$250 (60 min)

*See Below for both Extraction & Retrieval sessions package, email*

Shamanic Journey's
Past-Life Regression Sessions



What is a Shamanic Journey?

Think of a journey as a kind of active meditation, a means of traveling deep within to gain Guidance, insight and perspectives about our lives without judgment or negativity.
Typically, journeys are accompanied by a drum or rattle-we work with Spirit of Various instruments through Sound Healing Medicine– Which help support our Nervous System and shifts the brain waves from alpha to theta in order to enter a deeper layer of meditative state.


Sound Healing provokes states of deep relaxing where the healing of emotional pain and scars becomes much easier to access.
Releasing fear and grief, loneliness and depression, cleansing unwanted emotions and finding solutions to emotional issues with others, are all achieved with sound healing.

Many physical ailments, aches, pains, muscular and connective tissue problems, mobility problems, post-operative recovery, tinnitus and many more serious chronic diseases can all be cured or alleviated by sound therapy. 

 Shamanic Journey + PLR technique incorporates Sound Healing to help support our Nervous System and shifts the brain waves from alpha to theta in order to enter a deeper layer of meditative state promoting state of deep relaxation where the healing of emotional pain and scars becomes much easier to access.


Past-Life Regression incorporates hypnotherapy to help access memories from trauma from this life (or past life) where root of beliefs, stuck energy have been impacting you in your current life. Once energy of memories have been healed and processed, you begin to see new shifts happen in your life and within you using subconscious Reprogramming and option for Cellular Healing.

  • Receive a personal healing meditation for your subconscious to rewrite old program.

  • Reserve 1hr30 min- max 2hrs for this session, once booked you will get instructions and day for session

Learn More

*see below for 3 package session with Energy Healing


Work with me

Shamanic Healing Journey’s

Sacred StarSeed Temple (The Membership): $66


Holistic Wellness -Soul:Soul Private Coaching

As a Holistic and Wellness Guide, my background in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health, I view health as an overall Holisitc system versus just through one lens. As everything is connected, we look at your lifestyle, self-talk, mental and emotional wellbeing, and your desires to express. Whether you’re working on getting physical healthier, emotionally and mentally stronger, we’ll work on it together!

This is your time to focus on you and I’ll be here to support and Guide you <3

  • $115/ hr

Cosmic Tune-Up

  • $75, 45 min. Energy  Reading with Oracle + Energy Healing to Rebalance Chakra Energy with Reiki, a Re-Harmonizing Session

    • Energy Readings Session with Oracle

      [ask questions, this is an open dialogue between you and Spirit]

Contact Us to Book Virtual or In-Person Sessions

For Bookings and Questions:

Email us at

Reserve Your Session/

Let’s Expand On Your Journey

Book 15 min. Consult

Questions to see if we’re best fit?

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Yoga & Movement Community Practices

Yoga & Movement Practice: $15 / hr practice

  • Yoga Flow

  • Buti Yoga®

  • Ashtanga Primary

Release, Rise, and Flow: $22/ 1hr

  • more mindful flow with focus being on Meditation with Sound

This is Your Divine Cosmic Journey

And you don’t have to walk it alone.


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