Your Divine Cosmic Journey

Shamanic Priestess.

Energy Worker.

Spiritual Embodiment Practitioner.

Ordained Minister

with Universal Life Church

As Shamanic Priestess, Holistic Healer & Energy Intuitive, Stephanie holds sacred ceremonial space and connects and works with energy of all things to bring souls back to harmony and reconnect you to your soul’s essence by bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration using Shamanic Intuitive Energy Healing Journey Sessions.

Always having a personal interest and connection to Spirit and to teach others how to have more Harmonious life in body, mind, Spirit. She found her purpose:

To help Soul's be Empowered to live their best life in Spirit and help remind them of the strength they have available to walk through every stage of life.

From personal to group

Healings, Ceremonies and Rituals:

House Blessings
House Clearings
Ceremonies for Hand-fastings, weddings and End-of Life Ceremonies
And more.

Both local and available to travel

Spiritual Healing Energy Sessions

Everything is Energy. Every thought, action, person, animal, and place has a vibrational frequency and when we are not resonating with our own innate frequency, and that of our surroundings, we become dissonant. Our naturally healthy state of frequency can become a frequency that vibrates without harmony, because past experiences, day-day events that come up or even events from past-lives; eventually creating illness or symptoms arising in our lives that let us know something is out of harmony and needs to be addressed.

Intention+ Focus+ Belief = Healing

Incorporating natural modalities such as:

  • Reiki

  • Sound Healing

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

  • Crystal and Gem Therapy

  • Bach and other Flower Essences

  • Oracle Readings & Guidance

These divine healing tools and practices, practiced for lifetimes, are more powerful than most people realize. They operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level by helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence where the healing of emotional pain and scars, limited beliefs become much easier to access.  As a result, Release of fear, grief, loneliness, depression, old stagnant emotions and beliefs are achieved and clarity and solutions Received.

Experience more grounded and empowered state of well-being, and be able to more efficiently deal with your day-to-day life experiences.

Shamanic Journey’s + PLR

What is a Shamanic  Healing?

Shamans are trained how to transform energy from one state into a more positive one. Shamanic Healing addresses the spiritual aspect of illness. Shamans believe that ailments first appear in the energetic realms. These imbalances restrict our life force, and if not addressed can eventually manifest as symptoms or disease in our bodies.

Once the energetic balance has been restored, healing can occur in this reality.

Shamans call upon the essential elemental forces of nature, rocks, animals and helping spirits, to help in exorcise harmful intrusions and balance energies through the vibration of drums, bells, rattles, movement, chanting and other methods.

Shamanic Healing Includes:

-Shamanic Healing Session

-Shamanic Soul Extraction/Removal

-Shamanic Soul Retrieval

-Shamanic Journey + Past Life Regression

Get Your Free Guide to Energy Healing

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Individual/group events and offerings are offered virtually and in-person.

Events & Offerings.

The Mystics Collection

Welcome, here you'll find ways to work with me, as Shamanic receive tools stay Aligned and Recalibrated, remembering the wisdom and skills you've known from lifetimes to practice now included but not limited to,

  • Energy Work

  • Connecting with Spirit/ Spiritual World

  • Activating Your Psychic Senses and Connecting to your Intuition

  • Working with Spiritual Tools for protection, manifestation, Empowerment and Self-healing

Your ULTIMATE Self-Care Ritual:

Yoga & Meditation, And Moon Rituals

In the membership, we have 2 tier options to personalize your own self-care ritual and go deeper.

Twice a month during New Moon and Full Moon Ceremonies, We’ll connect and Create Space to Celebrate through Sacred Yoga Movement, working with Medicine Spirit that wants to come through and Assist (Plant, Crystal, and other Allies) and then Journey with The Medicine of Sound as a Vehicle to further Assist in Shamanic Journey.

It's a Great time to Connect together with other Beautiful StarSeeds and LightWorkers that need some R&R and Intentionally Clear their Energetic Bodies, and prepare themselves for the mentorship that the current season has for the weeks ahead!


  • Yoga

  • Meditative practices

  • Sound Healing

Using Yoga & Movement to help move stuck energy in the body, we warm up through various asanas (postures), and eventually build up to release to a more calming and grounded state in order to prepare for meditation.

•Buti Yoga

•Yoga Flow

Incorporating dynamic Movement, core strength, strength and conditioning and primal dance.

Follow Instagram/Facebook for Live Virtual Classes and Dates.

Divine Cosmic Shoppe.

We offer crystals, magick, oils and all things for magical beings!

Our items and products are tools and Allies, from the earth and stars that help to anchor more grounded and empowered state of well-being, elevating your self-care practices and making them more tangible and accessible to you!

Helping to assist in bringing your energetic body back to harmony with your natural vibration and helping you to reconnect to your soul’s essence!

|Intuitive & Shamanic Journey’s|

A Sacred Space to bring you back in Harmony with your Highest Truth.

Location, Hours, & Contact:

Weekdays Evenings, Fridays, Saturdays,

and Sundays (by Appointment)

  • Private Sessions by Appointment (Zoom or In-Person)

  • Group Sessions and Practices (see schedules above)

Email us at


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